Italian Association of Cognitive Science (AISC) midterm conference 2022
June 22-24, 2022 – University of Parma
Paper presentations will be 30 minutes long including discussion. Abstracts should be written in English and should not exceed 500 words including references.
The registration fee for conference participants is
Confirmed speakers
- Francesca De Petrillo / Newcastle University
- Ursula Hess / Humboldt University, Berlin
- Giacomo Rizzolatti / Institute of Neuroscience, CNR, Parma & University of Parma
- Andrea Scarantino / Georgia State University
Website: http://www.aisc-net.org/home/next-conference/
- Neuroscience and the Humanities Lab, University of Parma.
- University Center of Bioethics, University of Parma.
- Institute of Neuroscience, CNR, Parma.
- Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione, University of Bologna.
- Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries (DUSIC), University of Parma
Areas of interest
We are interested in exploring a broad range of questions, including the following: How do affective and cognitive phenomena interact in human and nonhuman animals? How may we better understand and describe the complex relationship between affective states (emotions, moods, etc.) and cognitive states (beliefs, thoughts, etc.)? What happens when such a relationship becomes disrupted? What is the role of cognitive science in exploring affective phenomena? What is the role of interdisciplinary research and practice when it comes to devising new paradigms and professional opportunities in the field of affective science?
Important Dates
Symposium proposals should be no longer than 1500 words (including references). We particularly encourage symposia proposals on topics at the intersection between affective and cognitive science. Every proposal should be written in English and should include: title, names, affiliations, contact details of the organizers and speakers, and a short explanation of the symposium’s aim.
Submission deadline: March 1st, 2022 (by the end of the day CET)
Authors should submit their proposals through EasyChair: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=aisc2022parma
For information please contact: aisc2022parma[⚠️]gmail.com
Call For Submissions
We accept submission in all areas of cognitive science, including (but not limited to): cognitive neuroscience; embodied and grounded cognition; 4E cognition; cognitive psychology; cognitive humanities; cognitive linguistics; neuroeconomics; neuroethics; neurolaw; neurolinguistics; behavioral economics; cognitive economics; artificial intelligence and cognition; collective behavior and collective rationality; language and cognition; psychology of reasoning; social cognition; cognitive robotics; cognitive modeling; cognition and simulation; embodied and grounded cognition; philosophy of cognitive science; philosophy of neuroscience; philosophy of mind and cognition; philosophy of language; cognitive anthropology
Conference dates: June 22-24, 2022
We also encourage you to register for the social dinner, which will take place on Wednesday, June 22 (time and place TBD).
- 20€ for AISC members registered for 2022 (for instructions on how to join AISC see here)
- 40€ for non-tenured scholars (e.g. Graduate students, PostDocs) who are not registered as AISC members for 2022;
- 70€ for faculties (e.g. Full or Associate Professors) who are not registered as AISC members for 2022.
More detailed instructions on how to register will follow on the conference web page.
The conference will take place at the University of Parma, Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries, in via d’Azeglio, 85. More details on the venue and logistics will follow as the conference approaches.
Organizing Committee
- Pia Campeggiani (University of Bologna)
- Fausto Caruana (Institute of Neuroscience, CNR, Parma & University of Parma)
- Antonio D’Aloia (University of Parma)
- Valentina Petrolini (University of the Basque Country – UPV/EHU & University of Parma)
- Marco Viola (University of Torino)
The 2022 Italian Association of Cognitive Science (AISC) midterm Conference will be held at the University of Parma on June 22-24 and will be hosted by the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries (DUSIC). In recent decades research in cognitive science has witnessed an upsurge of interest in affective phenomena such as emotions, feelings ,and moods, and the role they play in guiding cognitive, motivational, and decision-making processes. The aim of this conference is to improve our understanding of affective phenomena and of the relation between cognition and affectivity by bringing together scholars from the humanities and the natural sciences.