Special St Cross Seminar summary of Maureen Kelley’s: Fighting Diseases of Poverty Through Research: Deadly dilemmas, moral distress and misplaced responsibilities

“The community expects us to meet/respond to their needs and we cannot do that. […] They need water, they need housing, roads, education […], and they expect this from us. This makes things difficult […] we always have to explain…

Luiz Pessoa will livestream “Mental Categories and the Vertebrate Brain” on May 28

Abstract. Mental terms—such as perception, cognition, action, emotion, as well as attention, memory, decision making—are epistemically sterile. We support our thesis based on extensive comparative neuroanatomy knowledge of the organization of the vertebrate brain. Evolutionary pressures have molded the central…

Is Life-Sustaining Treatment Being Lawfully Withdrawn From Patients In Prolonged Disorders Of Consciousness? Nobody Seems To Know

 (b) when doing the act, D reasonably believes— If there is no way of knowing on a systemic level whether the Mental Capacity Act is being flouted by the Supreme Court’s implicit guidance being ignored, it seems arguable that the…

Closing Conference of Duke’s Summer Seminars in Neuroscience and Philosophy on June 4 and 5

The closing conference is the finale of a 3-week program designed to advance interdisciplinary work at the intersection of neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy. You can learn more about the program by visiting https://ssnap.net. We are excited to share information about the…

Mohini Ekadashi

Mohini Ekadashi

‘O Ramachandra! Fasting on Mohini Ekadashi removes the darkest illusory attachments to material existence. There is thus no better fast day in all the three worlds than this.’” ‘Hungry and gripped with anxiety, he wondered what he would do, where…

CFP: 5th International Conference on Interactivity, Language & Cognition: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in the Cognitive and Language Sciences

website: http://hill.psych.uw.edu.pl/cilc5/ Organizers Topics may include but should NOT be limited to: Online: 15-19 September 2021 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2676630182426566 Wiktor Rorot mail: hill@hill.psych.uw.edu.pl For more details and submission instructions, please see our website: http://hill.psych.uw.edu.pl/cilc5/ The conference is organized by the International…