Tanae Rao (Oxford): Why the Responsibility Gap is Not a Compelling Objection to Lethal Autonomous Weapons
Leah O’Grady (Oxford): What is wrong with stating slurs?
Thomas Long (University of Manchester): The Ambiguous Ethicality of Applause: Ethnography’s Uncomfortable Challenge to the Ethical Subject
Pablo Neira (Oxford): Why Preventing Predation Can Be a Morally Right Cause for Effective Altruism? Lucy Simpson (Nottingham Trent University): Why Our Actions Matter: The Case for Fluid Moral Status.
The following essays have been awarded an Honourable Mention:
Graduate Finalists
Lukas Joosten (Oxford): Turning up the Hedonic Treadmill: Is It Morally Impermissible for Parents to Give Their Children a Luxurious Standard of Living?
Samuel Iglesias (Oxford): Ethical Biological Naturalism and the Case Against Moral Status for AIs
Samuel Iglesias (Oxford): Ethical Biological Naturalism and the Case Against Moral Status for AIs
If you are unable to join the event in person, the presentation section will be presented as a hybrid zoom webinar. To register in advance for this webinar sign in here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2FEbKuvyRCiu59Wa4soa0w
Maria Rotaru (Oxford): Causal links and duties to past, present, and future generations: why and to whom do the affluent have moral obligations?
James French (University of Birmingham): How can we address the gender gap in anaesthesia and the wider medical workplace?
Trenton Andrew Sewell (Oxford): Should Social Media Companies Use Artificial Intelligence to Automate Content Moderation on their Platforms and, if so, Under What Conditions?
James Shearer (University of St Andrews): Do we have an Obligation to Diversify our Media Consumption?
The Presentation will be held on Tuesday 14th March from 5:30pm in the Lecture Room, Faculty of Philosophy, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Oxford OX2 6HT, followed by a drinks reception until 7:45 pm in the Colin Matthew Room.
Leora Urim Sung (University College London): Should I give or save?
Please book now and support the next generation of Practical Ethicists.