Levels (including Mechanisms)
Wayne Wu
Diego Marconi
Fabrizio Calzavarini, University of Bergamo and LLC, University of Turin
Mazviita Chirimuuta
October 21-22 and 28-29, 2022
Marco Viola, University of Turin
Submission deadline: Jun 30, 2022
Cognitive Ontology
Frédérique de Vignemont
Gualtiero Piccinini, University of Missouri – St. Louis
Please use the online submission form: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ncfm22. Submissions should be abstracts of up to 500 words listing a topic and explaining in what way neuroscience is advancing our understanding of that topic so significantly that any adequate account of the mind must take it into account. Contributions that summarize or build on an extensive body of previous work are especially welcome. Members of underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to participate (women, people of color, disabled and neurodivergent people, scholars from non-English speaking countries, scholars from developing nations, etc.)
Realization (Single and Multiple)
Oron Shagrir
Functions and Structures (Localization, Modularity, Neural Reuse)
Ophelia Deroy
Invited Participants:
Action and Motor Control
A volume edited by Gualtiero Piccinini, also entitled Neurocognitive Foundations of Mind, will collect the most significant conference contributions, aiming for must-read, authoritative coverage of the current cutting-edge in each area, introducing a wider audience to the way neuroscience advances our understanding of the mind. Inclusion in the volume will depend on both the importance of the topic and quality of submission. If more than one submission on a topic warrants inclusion in the volume, their authors might be invited to merge their submissions into a co-authored contribution, if they want (if they don’t want to merge their contribution, the most significant contribution will be selected). Peter Momtchiloff of Oxford University Press knows about this project and has expressed interest in publishing the edited volume, although a full book proposal will be prepared only after the conference.
We are pleased to announce an online conference entitled Neurocognitive Foundations of Mind on how cognitive neuroscience is advancing our understanding of the mind. We welcome cutting-edge contributions, with emphasis on foundational topics that affect much of our understanding of the mind. Some talks will be invited but most will be submitted. Each talk will provide an authoritative perspective on one or more important recent or novel contributions or advances. The conference will take place on October 21-2 and 28-9 at Neural Mechanisms Online, a platform that already runs a successful series on the philosophy of neuroscience.
Organizing Committee:
Possible topics include:
Mindreading and Social Cognition
Memory and Imagination
Cameron Buckner
Situatedness (Embodiment, Embeddedness, Enaction, Extended Cognition)
If you have questions, please contact Gualtiero Piccinini at piccininig@umsl.edu.
Affect (Rewards, Moods, Emotions, etc.)
Adina Roskies
Inference and Reasoning
An Online Conference and Edited Volume
Moral Cognition
Marcin Milkowski
Venue: Neural Mechanisms Online (https://www.neuralmechanisms.org/)