website: http://hill.psych.uw.edu.pl/cilc5/
Topics may include but should NOT be limited to:
Online: 15-19 September 2021
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2676630182426566
Wiktor Rorot
mail: hill@hill.psych.uw.edu.pl
For more details and submission instructions, please see our website: http://hill.psych.uw.edu.pl/cilc5/
The conference is organized by the International Society for the Study of Interactivity, Language and Cognition and the Human Interactivity and Language Lab, Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw.
We hope you will join us!
Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi
On behalf of the organizing committee:
- Prof. Mark Bickhard, Henry R. Luce Professor in Cognitive Robotics and the Philosophy of Knowledge, Lehigh University (see more)
- Prof. Bert Hodges, Professor of Psychology, University of Connecticut (see more)
- Prof. Hanne de Jaegher, Ramón y Cajal Research Fellow, University of the Basque Country (see more)
- Prof. Vasu Reddy, University of Portsmouth(see more)
- Prof. Michael Richardson (see more), Prof. Rachel Kallen (see more), Macquarie University
- Sarah Bro Trasmundi, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark (see more)
- Prof. Li Wei, Professor in Applied Linguistics, University College London (see more)
- Kaya de Barbaro, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin (see more)
We hope to create a safe and diverse space for all the participants, and especially encourage submissions from members of underrepresented groups in academia.
Call for Papers – Extended Deadline!
- research on interaction and early interaction,
- research on language development in interaction,
- research on language emergence and use in interactions, task oriented and others,
- philosophical analyses of the impediment to the integration of the qualitative and quantitative methods,
- how to acknowledge value-realizing in interactions with the environment and others,
- research employing dynamical systems approach to behaviour and interaction analysis,
- research on early semantic development and participatory sense making,
- theoretical analyses on limits of measurement and the types of knowing,
- methods of modeling heterogeneous, multiscale phenomena (for example, dynamical models, agent-based models, statistical models),
- mixed methods integrating qualitative and quantitative data.
5th International Conference on Interactivity, Language & Cognition: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in the Cognitive and Language Sciences
We invite the following types of submissions:
1. thematic sessions of up to 4 talks (limited slots),
2. regular talks (limited slots),
3. posters.
We plan to continue the path of bringing together researchers from various fields, following our online “teaser” symposium last year – “Quantitative Preserving the Qualitative: a Teaser for Integrating Methodologies” (website, recordings).
Julian Zubek
Ewa Nagórska
Conference Format
Human behavior and experience are richer than any measurement can show, revealing its fragility whenever one attempts to quantify it. To give justice to this richness, we need to escape the traditional division into quantitative and qualitative research. Our aim is to unite researchers in a quest for methodological approaches, which can help deal with underappreciated aspects of the cognitive, social, and human sciences, and build bridges between different research traditions.
We invite researchers from the fields of psychology, language sciences, cognitive sciences, anthropology, philosophy, biology, computer science, and others. Hoping to preserve the complexity, richness, and fragility of individual and collective cognition, we plan to work together on “tender” methodologies, which avoid reducing persons, their deeds, and feelings, to pure measurements. The general idea is to bring together qualitative and quantitative researchers and to strike a dialogue, leading to mutual incorporation of the values important for both types of methods, as well as to finding the language for interacting with others.
Konrad Zieliński
Submission deadline: 15 May 2021 22 May 2021
The conference will most likely consist of virtual live talks and a fully virtual poster session.