13-15 Dec 2021 Noto (Italy)
New extended submission deadline: September 30th, 2021
Theme: Post-Neuroscience Times for Cognitive Science Circa 2021?
Cristina Amoretti (University of Genoa)
Giulia Andrighetto (ISTC-CNR Rome)
Francesco Bianchini (University of Bologna)
Enzo Crupi (University of Turin)
Filippo Domaneschi (University of Genoa)
Francesco Ferretti (Università di Roma Tre)
Francesco Gagliardi (Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences)
Antonio Lieto (University of Turin)
Stefania Moretti (University of Genoa)
Stefania Pighin (Università di Trento)
Abstracts should be written in English.
Please note that the format of uploaded files should be PDF.
Paper presentations should not exceed a length of 20 minutes for a total 30 minute session.
The 17th AISC Conference will focus on this topic, discussing the possibility of a “post-neuroscience” future for cognitive science, bringing into discussion ideas from neuroscience itself, cognitive neuroscience, artificial intelligence, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, among other relevant Cognitive Science subfields.
Topics of interest
We accept submission in all topics related to cognitive science including (but not limited to):
- 4E cognition
- artificial intelligence and cognition
- cognitive architecture
- cognitive modeling
- cognitive neuroscience
- cognitive psychology
- cognitive robotics
- computational linguistics
- deep neural models
- embodied and grounded cognition
- epistemology
- ethics of artificial intelligence and robotics
- history of cognitive science
- natural and artificial consciousness
- neuroethics
- neurolinguistics
- philosophy of cognitive science
- philosophy of language
- philosophy of mind
- philosophy of neuroscience
- philosophy of health and medicine
- psycholinguistics
- social cognition
The conference will take place at Palazzo Carlo Giavanti, Via A. Sofia, 78, Noto (SR), Italy
In 2021 three AISC Student Travel Grants (up to 250 Euros each) were established to support attendance at the Society’s conference for AISC student members.
Undergraduate and graduate students can apply for travel support to attend the conference. Any student who is the presenter of a paper accepted at the conference is eligible. Awardees will be selected on the basis of submission quality as emerged from the reviewers’ scores (in case of equal judgment, the younger candidate will have precedence). Student authors can send an email to giulia.andrighetto[@]gmail.com and clucifora[@]unime.it and indicate whether they want to be considered for the grant as part of the submission process. After paper acceptance decisions have been made, selected authors will be contacted by the AISC Conference Awards Chairs.
Submissions for symposia should include:
- description of the proposed symposium with no more then 1500 words
- list of the participants
- number of hours required
Marcin Milkowski, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences
Important dates
Domenica Bruni (University of Messina)
Marco Carapezza (University of Palermo)
Mario Graziano (University of Messina)
Alessandra Falzone (University of Messina)
Antonino Pennisi (University of Messina)
Pietro Perconti (University of Messina)
Alessio Plebe (University of Messina)
Marco Viola (University of Turin)
Today the influence of neuroscience in cognitive science is certainly not over, but it is probably no longer dominant. New trends are to be seen, notably the resurgence of artificial intelligence that, although driven by technological problems needing engineering solutions, has lead to results intriguing for cognitive science.
Travel Grants
We cordially invite researchers to submit papers of proposals for symposia through EasyChair at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aisc20210.
Invited speakers
Paper submission requires a short abstract of no more then 500 words.Lucia Guerrisi (University of Messina)
Gesualdo La Porta (University of Messina)
Chiara Lucifora (University of Messina)
Arianna Pavone (University of Messina)
Anna Re (University of Messina)
Assunta Penna (University of Messina)
Submission deadline: September 13th, 2021September 30th, 2021 (before midnight)
Notification of acceptance: October 18th, 2021The relative contribution to cognitive science from its six constituent traditional disciplines (anthropology, computer science, linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy, and psychology) has never been uniform. This is, in part, due to the continous change of the constituent fields and their alternate success. Linguistics had a profound influence on cognitive science during the heyday of Noam Chomsky, and the role of computer science for cognitive science has somehow mirrored the developmental trajectory of artificial intelligence. At the turn of the twentieth century neuroscience has advanced to the point where the biological underpinnings of several complex cognitive functions are becoming scientifically tractable. The impact for cognitive science has been immense, leading even to a new mixed discipline, that of cognitive neuroscience. Neuroscientific discoveries have given ground to several of the new perspectives in cognitive science like predicitive minds, enaction, embodiment.
Conference venue
All information for conference registration can be found at:
Organizing Committee
Isidora Stojanovic, Institut Jean-Nicod CNRS, PSL Research University
Scientific Committee
Kate Storrs, Abteilung Allgemeine Psychologie, Justus-Liebig Universitaet
Local Committee
M. Beatrice Fazi, School of Media, Arts and Humanities, University of Sussex